AI generator for amazing videos & Images
Integration of the world's most advanced AI video generation models, such as pikalabs, luma ai, Kling, Minimax, vidu and more. A single prompt can drive multiple video model outputs, take your pick!
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Prompts, AI models, Get the clips!


AI Image generation

Current Mode:

AI Video Generation
Note: Supports JPG & PNG formats, file size under 10MB, no smaller than 300px.
Note: The video ratio will unchanged in Minimax mode, default 16:9.
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4 Powerful Reasons to Choose ClipZap.
Why use ClipZap`s

AI video translator?

The one-click solution to the 0-idea problem is the original impetus behind ClipZap.AI's ability to provide basic idea generation. Not only that, but creatives around the world prefer to compare the AI generated results of each, where you can compare the details of the generated details without having to switch back and forth between models!

You can select up to 5 models at a time to see the results, and the whole process is free!

No need for multiple product registrations, one-click connectivity to all AI video generation models!
High Stability
We We use only the highest quality state-of-the-art models in the world.
Instant Download
You can download multiple clips with a single click to use in your creations.
The generated clips can be used directly in workflow for drama creation.
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ClipZap.ai offers free easy online AI video generator tool for every Artist!

Using our state-of-the-art integrated AI video creation methodology not only dramatically saves time in creative realization, but also provides artists with the highest quality generation experience. The entire process is simple, fast and straightforward, with no complex manual adjustments required, and can be accomplished with a single click!

Want to create full Drama? Use workflow(in 2025)

Once you've got the ability to conceptualize a drama scene, it's time to experience our workflow capabilities. In workflow, you are free to create multiple generators and dub, mix, subtitle and more with their results. It's all just so smart.
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Make your Ideas easily come true withpowerful AI video generator!

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